marine insurance

marine insurance is an important article to read. There is a standard policy known as the SG Form, in which both parties have the right to use it if they wish. In some countries, each shipowner must contract a marine insurance policy to ensure that all risks can be managed on demand without a shortage of money.
We have fully comprehensive insurance, which is generally assumed by the other owner of the boat to protect your boat from the loss of the ship in case of an accident. We also have machinery insurance that protects the importance of the machinery against possible damage to the machine so that the insurer receives compensation for the loss of property. Keep in mind that the two types of transport insurance mentioned above are covered by comprehensive insurance and war risk machines.
We also have different types of marine insurance. This policy includes: Travel insurance, which is transport insurance intended to cover a specific trip. There is a time policy that is valid for a certain period but generally adequate for one year. Another is a mixed policy that involves both time and travel policies and confusing policy.
We have a valued and unvalued policy. A valuable system is a situation where the value of the freight and the shipment is included in the policy document, making it all clear in the case of loss, but in the unrated policy, the value of the freight and shipping document in advance. That's why he's upsetting him. We have a port risk management policy that ensures that the ships are well protected against loss or damage while they are still at the station in the port.
free insurance
We have a loose insurance policy. This is a branch of marine insurance, in which only quantities of claim material are specified, while other details are omitted until the ship returns from the voyage. There is one policy for a person who owns a ship in different fleets. I hope you understand the meaning of marine insurance.

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